Seven days to a Slimmer: The Slimming World Diet.

The Slimming World diet, or the Slimming World way of life as it’s more accurately called, has won awards for being the fastest and most effective way to lose weight and maintain it afterward. But how does it work? Follow our guide to find out the ins and outs of Read More

Is Slimming World Available in the USA?

Is Slimming World available in the USA? The short answer is no, it’s not available in the USA, at least not yet. If you live in the US, you need to search elsewhere to find a diet program that works with your lifestyle and what you can handle regarding meal Read More

Slimming World meal plan on a Budget

If you’re new to Slimming World, you may be wondering how to stick to your meal plan when on a budget. In the Slimming World eating plan, many of the free foods permitted on the eating plan are processed and expensive, making it difficult to stay within your food budget Read More

Get Rid of Unwanted Weight Fast with Water Fasting

If you feel frustrated with dieting, water fasting might be the right approach. In fact, according to many diet experts, this may be the only way to safely shed unwanted weight while keeping it off once and for all. Here are some of the benefits of water fasting and how Read More

You don’t need a Slimming World group to lose weight!

Slimming World has become one of the most popular and successful weight loss groups in the UK, with millions of members who have lost over five million pounds between them. However, not everyone can visit a group every week – but does that mean you can’t be part of Slimming Read More

Slimming World: Why am I putting weight on?

Slimming World is a way of life, but sometimes it can be hard to stick to when you’re putting weight on – especially if you haven’t stuck to your plan in the past! So what are some of the reasons this could be happening? And how can you address these Read More

Slimming World Lunch Ideas: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you just starting on the Slimming World diet and not sure what to eat at lunchtime? If so, we have all the lunch ideas you need right here to help you make every meal healthy and delicious! It’s essential to follow Slimming World’s plan as strictly as possible to Read More

Losing Weight : My 3-Month Results

I started using Slimming World in October 2015, and I weighed myself again on January 2nd, 2016, to see how much weight I’d lost in the three months since then. I found that I’d lost 8 pounds overall in that time, which surprised me! Here are some tips and tricks Read More

Were you looking to drop a few pounds quickly?

If you’re hoping to drop some weight quickly, you may have heard about the popular UK diet plan called Slimming World, also known as Weight Watchers in other countries. The diet has been praised by many members, who say it helped them shed pounds in no time at all, but Read More

Why Slimming World is Still Free for NHS Patients

If you are looking to lose weight, you might have heard of Slimming World, the famous diet plan that promises you can drop the pounds and feel great about yourself. You may be wondering if it works, though, or if it’s too good to be true – or even why Read More