Losing Weight: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Losing weight can seem like an impossible feat, especially if you try to do it yourself. But the truth is that there are plenty of effective weight loss methods out there, and many of them come in pill form. The question, then, is whether or not these pills work as advertised and are worth their hefty price tags. Let’s look at some of the most popular diet pills and weight loss supplements on the market today to determine whether or not they’re worth your money.

Work Out

If you are looking to lose weight, it’s essential to start an exercise routine. Exercise stimulates your body to produce hormones that aid in burning fat. While you might not see a difference in weight on your scales initially, you should notice more toned muscle definition within a few weeks of regular exercise. This is because muscles burn calories even when at rest, so as they get stronger, so do you!

Eat Right

It’s widely known that eating a healthy diet is crucial to good health. Research has found that drinking about 16 ounces of water before each meal can help you lose weight by feeling fuller. Avoid sugar-heavy beverages like sodas, energy drinks, or sports drinks since these options are still high in calories. If plain water seems too dull for your taste buds, flavor it with a squeeze of lemon or orange juice to make it more delicious.

Boost Your Metabolism

Boosting your metabolism will help you burn more calories throughout the day. You can speed up your body’s calorie-burning engine by exercising regularly, getting enough sleep every night, and eating plenty of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables (like beans) while cutting back on saturated fats. Incorporating these habits into your daily routine will give you a healthy dose of energy that helps stave off hunger pangs so you won’t feel tempted to overeat.

Drink Enough Water

You probably already know that water is good for you, but it’s also essential to losing weight. Drinking a good amount of water rids your body of toxins but can also help you feel fuller (i.e., take up more room in your stomach), which may stop you from overeating. Be careful, though—drinking too much water can have the opposite effect (some experts say drinking about a quart of water an hour before meals helps get rid of water weight).

Get Quality Sleep

A Harvard study of more than one million people revealed that not getting enough sleep was associated with a higher risk of obesity. Researchers concluded that those who slept 5 hours or less per night were 31 percent more likely to be obese than those who enjoyed 7 hours of sleep each night. Fortunately, for our weight-loss goal, there are plenty of ways to maximize your ZZZs.

Use Supplements for Extra Help

If you are trying to lose weight and supplement with high-quality vitamins or other accessories, be aware that they may interact with your medications. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting any new regimen. Supplements might also cause side effects or adverse reactions. Before taking a new supplement, talk to your health care provider about what you need to look out for and how it might interact with other things in your diet or in combination with other supplements that you take.

Track Your Progress on an App

Research has shown that dieters who log their daily calorie intake are more likely to keep weight off than those who don’t. Apps like MyFitnessPal make it easy to track your food. Use these tips to keep yourself accountable—and on target.

Try New Things!

Are you tired of your tried-and-true exercise routine? It might be time to shake things up a bit! Do something new—go hiking, attend a dance class, or try an endurance obstacle course. You never know what will inspire you to stick with it. As long as it gets your heart rate up and helps you healthily lose weight.

Posted by: Xaman on

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